Spruik Lab Services - How We Can Help You

The number of ways a marketing agency can assist in your business is limited only by your imagination. Spruik Lab is the best marketing agency available in the Sydney area. Our point of difference is very simple. We are ex-restaurant people. We have lived the day to day of the restaurant industry. We understand the challenges and the frustrations. Not only that we have also implemented our strategies on our businesses, learned through trial and error, worked out where the wins are and how to avoid the losses. We speak the same language as you so we understand what you need adnd how to get it for you. If you are looking for impactful, industry-rich strategies and ideas then Spruik Lab is the marketing agency for you. The number of ways a marketing agency can assist in your business is limited only by your imagination. Spruik Lab is the best marketing agency available in the Sydney area. Our point of difference is very simple. We are ex-restaurant people. We have lived the day to day of the restaurant industry. We understand the challenges and the frustrations. Not only that we have also implemented our strategies on our businesses, learned through trial and error, worked out where the wins are and how to avoid the losses. We speak the same language as you so we understand what you need adnd how to get it for you. If you are looking for impactful, industry-rich strategies and ideas then Spruik Lab is the marketing agency for you.

Digital Marketing

  • Social Media Management

  • Website Management

  • Database Growth

  • Database Communications

A group of digital marketing people working on a conference table with their laptops open and their phones visible

Public Relations

  • Storytelling

  • Brand Strategy

  • Media Releases

  • Copywriting

Spruik Lab founder and princiapl Erez Gordon presenting at a charity dinner. He is dressed in a smart jacket and talking into a microphone while holding notes in his other hand.

Wine Services

  • Wine List Writing

  • Wine List Management

  • Product Training

  • Sales Training

A picture of someone's arm pouring wine into a glass at a table with many glasses of wine on it, like a wine tasting